Developments with COVID-19 and directives by Governor Walz have greatly impacted all of our lives. Win-E-Mac teachers and staff have been working hard to prepare for a possible distance learning model in the future. We are in the process of designing a plan where teachers will still be creating and delivering lessons and being available to support and interact with our students through distance learning.
In the event that Governor Walz announces we will be moving forward with distance learning on March 30th, 2020, we will be implementing the following:
Teachers responsibilities:
- Communicate and interact with students and families
- Continue to support Special Education and mental health needs
- Continue to provide daily curriculum, lessons and assignments
- Continue to deliver instruction
- Provide technology tools (iPads and chromebooks)
- Continue to help with student questions
- Take daily attendance
Student responsibilities:
- Interact with your teacher/lessons daily
- High school: Be available from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, Monday through Friday
- Elementary school: When possible, be available from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, Monday through Friday
- Complete and return assignments
- Take care of and charge your iPads and Chromebooks, be ready for the day’s instruction
- Reach out to your teachers for help
Parent/Guardian responsibilities:
- Provide and allow for a quiet learning environment
- Monitor the completion of the daily assignments
- Ensure students are available during the distance learning day from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
- Support students in their learning tasks; however, we are not asking you to teach the lesson
- Communicate with teachers when you or your student need help using email or your current mode of communication
- Contact Garden Valley if you do not have internet access at home. GVT is offering free access for Win-E-Mac students without WiFi services. (800) 448 – 8260
The Win-E-Mac school and staff are here to support students and families of our district. Take advantage of this next week to stay home and spend quality time together. We continue to be committed to provide quality education to our students and families during these difficult times.
We will have more updates next week. If you have any questions, please call the school or contact your student’s teacher.