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Daily Bulletin September 25, 2020

Thought for the day:  The past cannot be changed, forgotten, edited or erased; it can only be accepted.  

Pictures for the red group of High school and PREK will be on Monday, OCTOBER 5th starting at 12:30 p.m.   Please remember that we do not have change in the office for your pictures, please make sure that you bring exact change or write a check. 

Students – there are Knowledge Bowl Certificates, Spotlight on Scholarship certificates (students with a 3.0 GPA and involved in extracurricular activities), Student Council and River Watch certificates from last spring, please stop by the office and pick the certificates up if you were involved in any of these activities. 

Seniors – TWO THINGS – #1 – I need a senior picture of you for the Senior Composite – IT NEEDS to be A HEADSHOT WITH NO PROPS.  If you have them digital – please send to my email, you can give your photographer my email address   I have not set a deadline for the date that I need your senior picture as of yet.  SECOND thing I sent you an email on Thursday, September 17th, concerning how you want your name on your diploma.  It will be a “QR” code to use with your phone.  REMEMBER –   The deadline for letting Josten’s know about your name on your diploma is TODAY.  

The WEM Clothing store is now open – please follow these links if you are interested in purchasing WEM Clothing, the store is only open until this Sunday, September 27th.

Anyone who wants to join Cheerleading, send Coach Angie Shimpa a text or give her a call at 218-280-1959.  First Practice Monday, September 28 at 5:15 pm outside the Arts and Events Door.

Attention Junior High Football Players, practice for seventh and eighth graders will start September 28. Meet at the football shed to get gear. Practice will run from 3:30 to 5 PM each day. Monday-Friday.  I will share the game schedule when it has been set.  Thanks, Coach Svalen

Sports pictures will also be taken on Monday, October 5th starting after school.  

Lunch today will be taco in a bag, lettuce, grape tomatoes, fruit and milk.  Breakfast on Monday will be cereal, cheese stick, juice and milk.  Lunch on Monday will be chicken strips, corn, fresh vegetable, fruit and milk.