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Daily Bulletin October 14, 2020

Thought for the Day: Tomorrow is never promised so don’t ever take today for granted.

There will be NO SCHOOL this Thursday and Friday, October 15th and 16th due to MEA. Have a great LONG weekend! Stay safe

Congratulations to the Varsity Volleyball team on their win last night over RLCC.

Good luck to the football team tomorrow as they host the Nevis Tigers. Game time is 5:00 p.m.

Drivers Education Classroom instruction will begin on Monday, October 19th from 3:15-6:00 p.m. in Mr. Ian Hanson’s room. The dates of the class are October 19, 20, 22, 23, 26, 27, 29, 30 November 2, 3 and the 5th will be a make-up day. Students are expected to complete 30 hours of required instruction. Cost is $60 and should be sent in with the registration form by TOMORROW Wednesday, October 14th. Students enrolled in Drivers Education need to be 15 years old by June 1. Notice that there will be no classes on Wednesdays. Students will follow their usual RED/BLUE days of school. When it is your day to be in school you will be in person for the classroom portion. When it is your day to be home, you will join through zoom. Please pick up forms in the office.


According to the current MSHSL guidelines we can have up to 250 spectators at our home football games.  After discussing as a school admin team and after conferring with the school board, we have decided to offer a maximum of 250 spectators.  Here is how we plan to come up with that number.

  • Players, Coaches, Team Personnel, and Cheerleaders will be allowed a certain number of tickets which they can offer to members of their immediate family and/or grandparents.
  • 80 tickets will be given to the opposing team to claim by the Monday of the game week (subject to change based upon game day).
  • All unclaimed tickets will be open for students (7-12) and staff to claim on Tuesday morning (Google Doc).
  • The number of tickets still unclaimed by the end of the school day on Tuesday will be posted on the school’s website on Tuesday evening.  On Wednesday morning, starting at 8:00 AM the public will have the ability to claim any available tickets by emailing

WEM staff will have a list at the gate for all claimed tickets.  Please try to pay in exact change, to limit the amount of contact.  There will be NO purchasing of tickets on game day, all tickets have to be claimed prior.  If you do not have claimed tickets, you will not be admitted into the game.