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Daily Bulletin: October 20, 2020

Thought for a Day:  If you carry one thing with you today, let it be this:  You are brave, you are beautiful, you are strong, you are smart, and you are loved.  

A reminder that school will be dismissed at 12:30 on Wednesday, October 21st for Parent-Teacher Conferences, buses will run shortly after that.  All parent-teacher conferences will be done virtually this time.

Good luck to the JV football team as they host NCE/UH here today.  The game time is 5:00 p.m.

The junior high volleyball with FHL Academy has been canceled for today.

If any student is interested in completing a firearm safety course please visit the following link to do so online.  Once completed please call or text 218-280-1825 to set up a time for field testing.


Lunch today will be tacos, lettuce, grape tomatoes, fruit, and milk.  Breakfast on Wednesday will be cereal, cheese stick, juice, and milk.  Lunch on Wednesday will be chicken Alfredo, broccoli, fresh vegetable, breadstick, fruit, and milk.