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Volunteer Needed: Backpack Program for weekend food for kids

We are looking for a volunteer to take the position that D’Wana Carroll had as the Backpack Program Coordinator.  I am including the duties of the volunteer position and she said she spent 2-4 hours a month on these duties.  We have put this on our Facebook page, but no bites.

At this time, we do NOT have the program in our school. The identifying of children/families, organizing the food once it is here, and dropping off in backpacks is covered by school staff.  If you are interested, read below on the volunteer position and what it entails.  You can email with questions or if you are interested!

The following are the duties for Backpack Program Coordinator:

  •            Deposit monies at the bank at the First State Bank in Erskine
  •            Order the backpacks as needed-monthly or every other month..depending upon numbers.
  •            Work with Amy Bartz or Cassie Subbert to order the packs and the delivery of the packs to the school.
  •            Work with Kim Mahlen at the Grace Lutheran church re: bank statements, monies, etc.
  •            Pay invoices for the packs.
  •            Solicit funds if needed (you really won’t need to solicit many funds as we receive funds now on a regular basis from many institutions and individuals).
  •            Write articles for the newspaper once-in-a-while.

Thank you!!  We ideally need to fill this position ASAP to get the program running and food headed home to the children identified!