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Win-E-Mac Back to School Night

Win-E-Mac’s Annual Open House will be on Wednesday, August 31st from 5:00 – 7:00 pm. We hope to see everyone there! Below are just a few of the fun and informational things that will be taking place.

Pre-K through 12th Grade

  • Meet your teacher
  • See your classroom
  • FREE Tailgating Meal 
  • FREE Snow Cones
  • Bouncy House and Inflatable Obstacle Course
  • Hang out with local firemen and law enforcement
  • Outside games for all ages
  • Magic Shows at 5:30 and 6:30
  • Century 21 and Other Information Booths
  • Bus information along with free pencils and bookmarks
  • Prizes for Free and Reduced Lunch Application sign up
  • Patriot Booster Clothing is available
  • Dolly Parton Reading program
  • Meet the Therapy Dog
  • Music playing outside

7th-grade Orientation at 6 pm

  • Letters are being sent home with more information
  • The class will be divided into Mr. Eckman’s and Mrs. Winter’s rooms
  • Class schedule and device distribution

Grades 8 through 12 Class Schedule and Device Pickup

  • Pick up your device in your first-hour classroom
  • $30 tech fee; Mr. Hanson will be in the library for questions
  • Pay multiple tech fees in your oldest child’s classroom
  • Contact Mr. McKeever for schedule changes

Welcome Back Students & Staff Members

The First Day of School will be Tuesday, September 6th