Thought of the day: Everything starts within your own mind. Your thoughts, attitude, and determination are essential for success.
Good luck to the girls’ basketball teams this evening as they host Park Christian!
Pep Band tonight for the girls’ game. Be there at 6:45 pm!
Snowfest will be February 6-10. Friday the cheerleaders will have a pep fest at 2:10 pm. There will also be a semi-formal dance on Friday night after the girls’ basketball game.
Dress-up days for Snowfest:
Monday: Pajama Day
Tuesday: Minnesota Day (Sports teams, colleges, or just Minnesota Themed)
Wednesday: Say No to Snow (Beach Day)
Thursday: Elementary-Dress like you are a 100- High School- Spotlight day (Red if you are in a relationship, Yellow if it is complicated, Green if you are single)
Friday: Spirit Day
Lunch today will be chili, cheese stick, crackers and Rice Krispy bar, fresh fruit and vegetables and milk choice. Breakfast on Tuesday will be bagel sausage and cheese or cereal and cheese stick. Lunch on Tuesday will be oven-fried chicken drumstick, mashed potatoes/gravy, dinner roll, fresh fruit and vegetables and milk choice.