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Daily Bulletin: February 1, 2023

Thought of the day: Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.

Congratulations to Lyle Erickson for winning $25 on February 1st in the After Prom Party Calendar Raffle!

Congratulations to the boys’ basketball teams on their win against Climax/Fisher last night!

7th Grade girls’ basketball will have practice on 2/6 4 pm-6 pm and 2/8 3:15 pm-5 pm. The tournament will be in Bagley on 2/11.

Prom Sign-up
Prom – Saturday, May 6th, 2023
Complete sign-up by February 25, 2023

All prom attendees must be signed-up and pay attendance fees ahead of time. Win-E-Mac seniors/juniors are invited to attend the prom. Attendees are expected to wear formal attire if possible. Sophomores and former graduates (under age 21) may attend as a guest of a WEM senior or junior. The cost to attend is $20 each. Return forms (from Mrs. Winter’s room) with payment directly to Mrs. Winter.
Snowfest will be February 6-10. Friday the cheerleaders will be having a pep fest at 2:30 pm. There will also be a semi-formal dance on Friday night after the girls’ basketball game.

Dress-up days for Snowfest:
Monday: Pajama Day
Tuesday: Minnesota Day (Sports teams, colleges, or just Minnesota Themed)
Wednesday: Say No to Snow (Beach Day)
Thursday: Elementary-Dress like you are a 100- High School Neon vs camo day.
Friday: Spirit Day

Lunch today will be lasagna, garlic breadstick, green beans, fresh fruit and vegetables, and milk choice. Breakfast on Thursday will be muffins, yogurt, or cereal and cheese stick. Lunch on Thursday will be macaroni and cheese, corn dog, fresh fruit and vegetables, and milk choice.