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Daily Bulletin: April 18, 2023

Thought of the day: “Your life is your adventure. And the adventure ahead of you is a journey to fulfill your own purpose and potential.”

Win-E-Mac school will be hosting a blood drive on April 26 in the Arts and Events Center. Anybody who donates blood will get a $10 gift card. Students can donate once they are 16 years old and the community is welcome. You can sign up in the office.Win-E-Mac summer recreation registration night will be Wednesday, April 19th from 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm.

There are Shrine Circus tickets at the office if anyone is interested.

Good luck to the baseball players as they travel to take on NCE/UH!

Good luck to the varsity and JV softball players as they travel to take on West Marshall! Please excuse the varsity at JV softball players at 1:55 pm. Leave time is 2:10 pm.

Good luck to the junior high softball players as they host Thief River Falls this evening! Please excuse the Junior High girls at 3:00 pm. Girls need to be on the field by 3:15 pm

After Prom Party sign-up is in the office please get signed up, the sooner the better for planning reasons. Get a waiver form from the office also and turn it into Mrs. Strom once filled out. If you are not attending prom, you may still attend the after-prom party but will not be able to bring a guest.

Lunch today will be a Hot dog on a bun, baked beans, fresh fruit and vegetables, and milk choice. Breakfast on Wednesday will be a Dutch waffle or cereal & cheese stick or uncrustable. Lunch on Wednesday will be BBQ chicken, seasoned rice, fresh fruit and vegetables, and milk choice.

Red Lake Electric Scholarship- Due May 5th, 2023
Win-E-Mac Alumni Scholarship April 21
Fosston Tri-Coop April 28
Wild Rice Electric May 5
Red Lake Electric May 5