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Daily Bulletin: April 4, 2023

Thought of the day: “The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.”

Good luck to the baseball players as they host Fosston this evening!
Varsity baseball at home vs. Fosston at 4:30
JH to follow. JH players be at the field by 5:30

Good luck to the East Polk Softball players today as they travel to take on NCE/U-H!
Please excuse the girls’ softball players at 2:25 today. The bus will leave at 2:40.

Win-E-Mac summer recreation registration night will be Wednesday, April 19th from 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm.

There are Shrine Circus tickets at the office if anyone is interested.

Prom Grand March and Dance attendees, if you still need to pay your $20, please get that to Mrs. Winter asap. The fee covers your pizza and drinks at the event as well as helps pay for the DJ service.

After Prom Party sign-up is in the office please get signed up, the sooner the better for planning reasons. Get a waiver form from the office also and turn it into Mrs. Strom once filled out. If you are not attending prom, you may still attend the after-prom party but will not be able to bring a guest.

Lunch today will be crispitoes, lettuce, sour cream, salsa & black olives, fresh fruit and vegetables, and milk choice. Breakfast on Tuesday will be Long john or cereal and cheese stick. Lunch on Tuesday will be a hot dog on a bun, baked beans, fresh fruit and vegetables, and milk choice.

Red Lake Electric Scholarship- Due May 5th, 2023

Win-E-Mac Alumni Scholarship April 21
Fosston Tri-Coop April 28
Wild Rice Electric May 5
Red Lake Electric May 5