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Daily Bulletin: February 22, 2024

Thought of the day: “Enthusiasm keeps you going, even when faced with failures on the path to success.”

Good luck to the boys’ basketball team as they host Northern Freeze this evening!

Congratulations on a single-round season high score for our Blue team yesterday (Ella, Wyatt, Alyssa, Oscar, and Jaime) and to our Red team (Dani, Karli, Lauren, Joy and Riley) for finishing just one place behind the seniors at our last regular season Knowledge Bowl meet. Due to their performance over the season TWO WEM teams will be headed to the sub- regional tournament next Tuesday in TRF.

Reminder: School will be dismissed at 12:30pm on TODAY February 22, 2024, due to parent teacher conferences being held from 1:00pm to 7:30pm. Bus will run shortly after dismissal.

Driver’s Ed Classroom will begin on Monday, March 4th. Classes will be each day after school through March 15th. Students are required to complete 30 hours of classroom time. If a student misses a session, they will have to make up the time. March 18th is scheduled to be the free make up day for missed sessions. If additional days are needed for make-up, the student will have to pay $50 for each make-up session. Students need to be 15 years old by June 1st to enroll in the class. The class is limited to the first 20 students to sign up. If you have a summer birthday you will need to talk to Mr. Hanson before signing up for the class. Registration is $120 for Win-E- Mac students.

Lunch today will be mashed potato bowl, popcorn chicken, gravy, corn and dinner roll, fresh fruit and vegetables and milk choice. Breakfast on Friday will be pancake wrap or cereal and cheese stick or uncrustable. Lunch on Friday will be tomato soup, grilled cheese sandwich, fresh fruit and vegetables and milk choice.