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Daily Bulletin: February 28, 2024

Thought of the day: “Never underestimate the power of a kind word, an unexpected act of generosity or a courageous deed.”

There will be a Legion baseball meeting right after school in Mr. B’s room on Friday, March 1.

Good luck to the varsity boys’ basketball team as they host Red Lake County this evening!

Driver’s Ed Classroom will begin on Monday, March 4th. Classes will be each day after school through March 15th. Students are required to complete 30 hours of classroom time. If a student misses a session, they will have to make up the time. March 18th is scheduled to be the free make up day for missed sessions. If additional days are needed for make-up, the student will have to pay $50 for each make-up session. Students need to be 15 years old by June 1st to enroll in the class. The class is limited to the first 20 students to sign up. If you have a summer birthday you will need to talk to Mr. Hanson before signing up for the class. Registration is $120 for Win-E-Mac students.

Lunch today will be Taco in a bag, fresh fruit and vegetables and milk choice. Breakfast on Thursday will be yogurt parfait or cereal and cheese stick. Lunch on Thursday will be orange chicken, fried rice and egg roll, fresh fruit and vegetables and milk choice.