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Update: iPads Orders Are Ready!

Update: I want to make this very clear. If you placed an order last week, it is ready to pick up now.

If you placed an order yesterday, your name was added to a “backorder” or “wait list”. Your order is not ready yet.

If you placed an order yesterday, you are not guaranteed an iPad. I sincerely apologize for any confusion that caused! I opened the iPad sales up to backorders because I know that there are more iPads floating around the building that were not part of my initial inventory, and it is also possible that some of the orders that were placed last week will not be picked up. (I also posted about this “backorder” sale yesterday.) If you placed an order yesterday, I will be in touch with each of you via email in the order that the orders were placed.

Additionally, I have shut down the backorders for now due to this confusion, and because I have already received quite a few. I will open it back up at a later date if necessary.

Thanks so much for your understanding.

I want to thank everyone who pre-ordered iPads. It has been quite the chore sorting them and processing the orders, but they are ready to be picked up. Because there are so many right now, the payments and pickups are currently happening in my classroom. As orders dwindle, the iPads will be moved to the office.

Regarding quality: the quality of the iPads was determined by elementary teachers and their students (who work with them every day), as well as myself and students in the Media Production class who helped process the orders. In the announcement, it said typically next to each description. That doesn’t mean that was always the case. For example, some lower elementary teachers reported having some iPads that don’t quite fit the “Best” description, and some upper elementary teachers reported having some iPads that were maybe not used as much as others or were extras in their rooms and could qualify as “Best”. Determining quality is a very subjective thing, and we appreciate your understanding, as we tried to do our very best with that process.

If you have any questions, you can reach out to me via email (, but please be patient, as the end of the school year is a very busy time for me. Thanks so much!