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Pick Up and Pay For iPads Soon!

All the public iPad orders have been moved to the front office. You can pay for and pick up your orders in the front office before or after school today, tomorrow, or next Tuesday (if necessary). I am hoping to have these sales finalized next week. We will attempt to make contact with anyone that doesn’t pick up and pay for their orders by next Tuesday. However, if we cannot make contact and orders are not picked up and paid for by the end of next week, the order will be considered canceled.

If you didn’t get an iPad and are wondering if there are some still available: there are likely still a few iPads floating around that did not get inventoried. Additionally, if orders do not get picked up, those will be made available again. What will happen now is “backorders” will be allowed on the Win-E-Mac Sales website so I can start building a waiting list. For those people who came to pick up an order this week and discovered there was no order, you should have already been added to the waiting list, but please feel free to email me ( if you want to double-check your status on this list.

Let me be clear: putting yourself on this waitlist is not a guarantee that you’ll get an iPad.

Please let me know at the above email address if you have any questions. Thanks!