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Online Registration and Tech Fees

Thank you so much for your patience as we try something new! This year, we have digitized our required forms and encouraged parents to use our online payment system for tech fees. One question that we have received a few times since we made this transition is, “Why do we need to ‘register’ our students if they already attend Win-E-Mac?”

Answer: Because there are a number of forms that we are required to have filled out for every student every school year, not just when your student first starts attending Win-E-Mac. Rather than use a number of different paper forms (which would require a printed name and signature for each one), we have tried to simplify the process by putting all the forms into one Online Registration with one digital signature in ParentVUE. If your students are not new, all the information we already have in our system auto-populates into the forms, so all you should need to do is verify it, updated it as needed, and proceed to the pages that we need to collect new information for this year (i.e. picture publication permission, internet use agreement, device use agreement, etc.)

With device handout happening tomorrow morning, we will need the internet use agreement and device use agreement acknowledgement boxes to be checked in the Online Registration on ParentVUE (see below for details) as well as the $30 Tech Fee (required for 6th grade and older) to be paid in LINQ Connect (or in the office tomorrow morning) before devices can be handed out to students. Many parents have already done this (thank you!), but some still need to complete this before tomorrow. If the agreements are not done and the tech fee is not paid, we unfortunately cannot hand out devices to your student. If you have any issues or questions, please email Thanks for your understanding! We’re excited to see students tomorrow!

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