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Daily Bulletin: February 26, 2025

Thought of the day: “Somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world.”

Wear Red, white and blue tomorrow for state robotics and e-sports!

Congratulations to Joe Courneya on scoring his 1000th career points last night!

5th Hour Science with Mr. Breitbach – please report to Mr. Morgenroth’s room and 7th hour science please report to Mrs. Anderson’s room. Please finish up work and make sure you check Google Classroom for any assignments you are missing or are doing for today.

There will be a softball meeting for those in grades 7 th -12th interested in playing this Friday starting at 8:15 in the Art’s and Events Center commons.

Driver’s Education Classroom will begin on Monday, March 3rd. Registration forms are in the office. Students need to be 15 years old by June 1st to enroll in the class. The class is limited to the first 20 students to sign up.

Prom Grand March & Dance Sign-Up through Feb 28th: Win-E-Mac seniors/juniors are invited to attend the prom. Prom is May 3rd with grand march at 7:00, Dance from 8-11 PM. Attendees are expected to wear formal attire if possible. Sophomores and former graduates (under age 21) may attend as a guest of a WEM senior or junior. The cost to attend is $20 each. Return blue forms (from Mrs. Winter’s room) with payment directly to Mrs. Winter. All prom attendees must be signed-up and pay attendance fees ahead of time. Forms & payment are due Feb 28th.

Lunch today will be chicken strips, gravy, mashed potatoes, dinner roll, fresh fruit and vegetables and milk choice. Breakfast on Thursday will be apple donut or cereal and cheese stick. Lunch on Thursday will be sloppy joe on a bun, baked beans, seasoned fries, fresh fruit and vegetables and milk choice.



The following is a list of scholarships for seniors:

AgCountry Scholarship – Due March 1st

Essentia Health Scholarship – Due March 14th

Red Lake Electric Scholarship – Due March 14th

Vernon J. Pick Foundation Scholarship – Due March 15th

2025 Friends of Sanford Health Scholarship – Due March 16th

Elaine Bergman Memorial Scholarship – Due March 28th

Fosston Area Sportsman’s Scholarship – Due March 28th

Hank Lindsey Memorial Scholarship – Due April 1st

The East Polk County Extension Home Council Scholarship – Due April 1st

Unity Bank Scholarship – Due April 1st

Leo C. Parent Scholarship – Due April 1st

Workforce Development Scholarship – Due April 1st

Erskine Bailey-Throne American Legion Post #596 Scholarship – Due April 1st

R&J Broadcasting, Inc. Scholarship – Due April 7th

Northwest Minnesota Foundation Online Scholarships – Due April 15th

The Lindfors Agency Scholarship – Due April 25th