Thought for the Day: Making mistakes is something everyone does. Learning from them is not. Win-E-Mac Community Ed will offer Drivers Education Classroom instruction beginning…
Thought for the Day: It takes some courage to stand up and speak; it takes even more courage to open your mind and listen. All…
Thought for the day: The happiest people don’t necessarily have the best of everything but they make the most of everything. The school will be…
Thought for the day: Live each day like it is 23-24 with ten seconds left. The school will be dismissed at 12:30 TOMORROW due to…
Thought for the day: A little progress each day adds up to BIG results. The school will be dismissed at 12:30 on Thursday, February 20th…
Thought for the day: Sometimes you have to fall before you fly. There will be no school on Monday, February 17th due to President’s Day.…
Thought for the day: Don’t dream your life, live your dreams. There will be no school on Monday, February 17th due to President’s Day. The…