Thought of the day: Life is a balance of holding on and letting go. Reminder to 6th & 7th graders interested in VEX-IQ robotics, applications…
Thought of the day: Remember to look at each struggle or challenge as a test vital to our growth, healing, restoration, and transformation process. Reminder…
Thought of the day: An obstacle is just a temporary roadblock. You can either go over it, around it, under it, or through it. Congratulations…
Thought of the day: When you have a dream, sometimes not knowing which way to go, when reality hits, follow your heart, and you’ll know…
Thought of the day: Some pursue happiness, others create it. Driver’s Education begins today at 3:15 in the PLTW lab classroom. Good luck to the…
Thought of the day: Ambition is the power that allows us to go forward when things look the darkest. The Junior High girls’ basketball sign-up…
Thought of the day: Whatever your dream is, you can turn your dream into a reality when you have the confidence to do what is…