The Patriot Press is back! After quite some time of radio silence, we are excited to be releasing a monthly school newspaper once again. This…
Would you like to keep tabs on your children’s school lunch balances, but you are unsure how? You can do this by signing up for… Win-E-Mac is having a Giving Tree event again! Stars for kids will be available virtually again this year. See the link above. We ask…
Due to circumstances outside of our control, we have made the difficult decision to postpone the All-School Play to December 10th and 11th. Please spread the…
Stiff competition from nearby Medieval World threatens to drive the annual Renaissance Faire out of business. Attendance is plunging, especially at the traditional Shakespeare production. …
There will be a book swap on Wednesday, November 16th from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. There is no fee and no sign-up is needed. Come…
School and buses will be two hours late tomorrow, November 11th, 2022. There will be no morning activities.