You are eligible if you participate in any program like GA, SNAP, WIC, Free and Reduced Breakfast and Lunch, Child Care Assistance, Head Start, Section…
The Teddy Bear Band will be performing at Win-E-Mac’s Arts and Events center on October 11th at 5:15pm and going until 6pm. Entry is free…
Firearm Safety Class Must be at least 12 years old to take class. This class is designed for students who will need to complete the…
Win-E-Mac Parents and Students: Many of you have already signed up for ParentVUE or StudentVUE, but for those who have not, it is a great…
Reminder to all that Individual ping pong pictures are on Thursday, October 6th. Make sure to dress up nice!
Win-E-Mac Families, The Winger Lions Club will be at our school next week on Tuesday 9/27 and Wednesday 9/28 for our vision screen. We screen…