Click to access COVID-Press-Release-11.05.20.pdf
Dear Staff, Students, and Families, Win-E-Mac School has been notified of 3 positive COVID-19 people in our school community. Our contact tracing is complete and…
THERE ARE NO BLEACHERS, so fans should bring their own chairs if they don’t want to stand.
Win-E-Mac School is happy to announce that the Backpack Program volunteer position has been filled. Lesly Tradewell will coordinate with North County Food Bank and…
The time for the volleyball match tonight with WHA has now changed. The JV will start at 5 PM, with the varsity to follow. Thanks.
Dear Staff, Students, and Families, Win-E-Mac School has been notified of a positive COVID-19 person in our school community. To date, we have had 4…
Clarifying Guidance for Shifting Learning Models and Implications for Activities and Athletics Communications, We have been working with a number of you across the state…