Dear Staff, Students, and Families, Win-E-Mac School has been notified of a positive COVID-19 person in our school community. To date, we have had 4…
Clarifying Guidance for Shifting Learning Models and Implications for Activities and Athletics Communications, We have been working with a number of you across the state…
Click to access Yearbook-Order-form-2021.pdf
Monday JH & JV football at Fertile was cancelled Tuesday Nothing Wednesday Nothing Thursday Volleyball at home vs. Walker-Hackensack-Akeley (C, JV, V) JH Volleyball @ Fertile…
Click to access Covid-19-Number-Rockets-Today.pdf
Click to access Updated-Win-E-Mac-Spectator-Policies.pdf
Due to a cancellation picture retake will now be at 9:30 A.M. ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5TH.