We are looking for a new Backpack Program Coordinator! This is a volunteer position. The previous volunteer spent 2-4 hours a month on these duties.…
The following information can also be found on the “Patriot Athletics” page under the “Activities” menu above. Volleyball: Grades Days (September 14th – October 2nd)…
Calendars for the Win-E-Mac 2,000 Shot Club are due on Monday, 9/14. All dates need to be signed/initialed by a parent/guardian. Completed calendars can be…
Dear Win-E-Mac School District Parents & Students, We have good news on the “free meal” front. Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) has provided Minnesota school…
Caulfield Studios will be at Win-E-Mac on Thursday, September 17th at 8:00 a.m. for staff, PreK-6, and the Blue (Thursday-Friday) Group in the High School.…
Dear Win-E-Mac communities: As we enter the early stages of the 2020-2021 school year, we wanted to share some additional information about how our district…
Win-E-Mac will be using SchoolPay this year. SchoolPay is the safest and easiest way to electronically pay for school-related fees. Eliminate last-minute check-writing hassles and…