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Superintendent’s Notes for September

By Randy Bruer

Social Media and Enrollment

Social Media is a huge problem among young people today using cell phones. We know that students send some illegal texts and pictures among themselves some of which can be considered a crime. We have seen the news media asking PARENTS to speak with your children about the use of their cell phones in and out of school, along with which apps to view and stay away from, and how the phone should be used. Please take the time to speak with your child because we know this is happening among our student population. It can also be considered a form of bullying which is a common and potentially damaging form of violence among students.

Our enrollment will increase this year to over 460 students. Please take the time to greet and invite our new students to events you may be hosting.

RipL training and ALICE training

Our staff has gone through 2 days of RipL training (Relational, Impactful, Preventative, Leadership) and our students experienced this the first day of school. For parents, guardians, and community members who want to be impactful in the lives of today’s youth, consultants from National School Safety Consulting can present on the topics: societal factors leading to violence, suicide awareness, and the POWER OF ONE. Students and participants today will be given “tools” from the school to take home to use with their own children or any youth with which they work. Tools will be specific in helping to prevent violence and suicide in our homes, communities, and schools. Students were given impactful ideas to carry with them throughout the year.

Staff also went through training related to ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate). Administration will be arranging 2 meetings during an evening for a short period to demonstrate and show the Safety training we will be doing with children in the classroom. First, we want the Adults to understand the relevance and what actions of safety will happen in the classroom. Be looking for this information in your child’s backpack and social media soon.

Important Notice; F & R application forms

I know you read and hear this announcement time and time again but I cannot stress enough how important these forms are to the school district to access funding for our school. Our school lost $35,000 in compensatory funding last year and will lose this year again because our eligibility percent has dropped. If you are the parent of a child and think you may meet the eligibility requirements of the program, please fill them out and return them to the school. If you have questions please arrange to meet with the Superintendent. The forms are confidential and it does not mean you need to take advantage of what the form has to offer, but we still ask you to fill it out. It does affect our compensatory funding for our school, free or reduced meal money for kids, 0% interest on QZAB loans, reduced phone and internet bills for our school, Title 1 funding, Federal funding, computer, technology and equipment grants, and learning materials. At the beginning of the year or anytime during this year, we ask parents or custodial parents to fill out the free and reduced request forms.

SRO Officer

Our school district is still working to have a shared position, with another school, of an SRO officer in our school at different times of the school day. We believe the time and job description of the position will be valuable to all students in the district. It takes a special person for this job and they will be suited and have all the credentials of a police officer. Administration from all school districts in Polk County has had numerous meetings with the Sheriff’s Office and County Commissioners to discuss the need. The position is still in the planning stages.

Century 21 After-School Program

Win-E-Mac has been awarded another year of grant dollars for an after school program. Our school along with 3 other districts will be funded for a program of 5 days a week plus summer, for kids attending our school district. If your child would like to be in an after school program from dismissal time school until 5:15, call the school at 218-563-2900 for more details.

Patriot Pride Boosters

A group of parents and community members who want to help with all aspects of the school has formed the Patriot Pride Boosters.  This organization is open to anyone who is willing to help.  There is no fee to join and they meet the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 5:00 pm at the school. For more information contact The present leadership; President – Maggie Haskett, Secretary – Tiffany Omundson, Treasurer – Amanda Swanson.

Extra-Curricular Activities

Please take the time to visit our school, enjoy our student activities and get to know our staff. The district has many extra-curricular activities and sports taking place after school. Catch the Patriot Spirit and come out and enjoy Football and Volleyball activities this fall at the Win-E-Mac School!