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Superintendent’s Notes for December

By Randy Bruer

2020 Census

Next year we will see the Census data coming out to Minnesota residents. We always ask why we should fill it out; the answer is the data is used heavily for Congressional seats, transportation funding for roads, schools, and hospitals. Our schools need this accurate data for funding for the National School Lunch Program, student health insurance, Head Start, Special Education funding, Title funding, and Communications funding. It shows the movement of people and how National Aid will be spent in each state. Every person in the County is worth approximately $800.00 per person. It determines how much Federal money can be spent on Minnesota roads and where the best locations are for big business and jobs. This Census is very important, so speak to your friends and neighbors about the importance of filling out the data. The data is used for 10 years.

Property Taxes

Last year the legislative session brought several changes to the number of statutes that impact the taxation of Minnesota residents. Ag properties will see an Ag land credit on your statement which will reduce Ag land taxes used to pay for facilities or of a school district. This is a good relief for residents in the Win-E-Mac School District. Everyone has received your property tax statements which will show a market value that determines the amount of taxes paid this coming year. Again, we would like to say thank you to our patrons for your support of the Win-E-Mac School.

Garden Valley TV

Once again this year, the Win-E-Mac school plans to host our Girls and Boys Varsity Basketball games on local TV channel 30. We invite the public, who are patrons of the Garden Valley Cable TV System, to watch our local channel during this season to see these events. Our plan is to connect for each home varsity game or event in the school. Students will be operating the broadcast so please be patient with the televised service.

This Saturday, December 7th, Garden Valley will host Appreciation Days for the public to attend. Please enter the Front Doors to see all the technology they have to offer.

Heat Pump Replacement

You have probably been hearing and reading about the school board’s plans to fix our school heat pumps. The School replaced 70+ heat pumps in the building last summer. Wild Rice Electric gives the school a large rebate due to the electrical savings of new pumps. With the rebate, the school board has decided to replace all the lighting in the building to LED lighting by December 31, so when you walk into the school, you will experience a notable change in lighting.

Have a Great Holiday Season!