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Superintendent’s Notes for May 2020

School House Construction Bidding

The Construction Class will be building a house again next year. The house built this year is just about completed and will be ready to move. If you are interested in a house for the 2020/2021 school year, we will be asking for bids in the form of a percentage; expressed up to the hundreds place as 9.99%. This bid percentage is the percent of the total cost of the house minus subcontracted costs, sales tax, and inspection fees. This percentage goes to the carpentry class for the replacement of supplies and equipment. If the estimated cost of the house is $50,000, this is an estimated price minus subcontracting and inspections based on fluctuations of materials, options, and build specifications, etc. Our intention is to work with the owner to install the options they choose in the house. If you would like to bid on the house, please call the District Office for details.

Prospective Bidder Time-line:

  • May 1st – June 10th – House advertised
  • June 11th – Bids Due by 1:00 pm
  • June 16th – Bids examined by the school Board

Voluntary Preschool

Many districts offer a preschool program in their school. The state has provided about $25 million in ongoing funding to help low-income students, plus Pre-K funding this year. About 6,000 children were enrolled in preschool this school year, according to state data. Pre-K will remain the same or if the program is not approved, there will be a quarterly payment for the program. Win-E-Mac will offer a free Pre-K program for all students who are 4 by Sept. 1st of the current year if the program is funded. If you take the program for two years, parents will need to pay for the second year because the program has stipulations. If your child would like to attend, please call the District Office for more information or to register your child.

Win-E-Mac AAA Banquet

The Win-E-Mac Academic, Athletic, and Fine Arts Awards Program will take place LIVE on Wednesday, May 13 at 7:00 p.m. Due to the Stay-at-Home order, we will televise the program live on our GVTV local Channel 30. If you are not a GVTV subscriber you can still view it for free by going to this link:

We still want to celebrate the accomplishments of our Class of 2020 and make this a special evening for our seniors and for our underclassmen. While we cannot be together for this special event, we want to take the time to honor our senior scholarship recipients, celebrate our academic achievements, and present special awards in fine arts and athletics.

Distance Learning

I want to say Thank You to our parents for staying with our educational process. I know its hard work and we understand parents also have jobs, and sometimes must stay up late at night o get your own work done. It’s not easy, and our staff is working hard and doing their best to give what we can to help our students.

Parental engagement has long been seen as critical to student achievement, as much as class size, curriculum, and teacher quality. This has never been more true than now, and all across the country, moms and dads pressed into emergency service are finding it one of the most exasperating parts of the pandemic.

With teachers relegated to computer screens, parents have to play teacher’s aide, hall monitor, counselor, and cafeteria worker – all while trying to do their own jobs under extraordinary circumstances. Essential workers are in perhaps the toughest spot, especially if they are away from home during school hours, leaving just one parent, or no one at all, at home when students need them most.

Thank you, Parents.