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Superintendent Notes for May 2021

Superintendent Notes

by Randy Bruer

School House Construction Bidding

The Construction Class is looking to build a house next year if possible. We are advertising now if anyone is looking for a house, but costs are higher due to material pricing. We built an Ice House this year, which will be sold in the open market. If you are interested in a house for the 2021/2022 school year, we will be asking for bids in the form of a percentage; expressed up to the hundreds place as 9.99%. This bid percentage is the percent of the total cost of the house minus subcontracted costs, sales tax, and inspection fees. This percentage goes to the carpentry class for the replacement of supplies and equipment. If the estimated cost of the house is $70,000, this is an estimated price minus subcontracting and inspections based on fluctuations of materials, options, and build specifications, etc. Our intention is to work with the owner to install the options they choose in the house. If you would like to bid on the house, please call the District Office for details.

June 15th – Bids examined by the school board.

Voluntary Preschool

Many districts offer a preschool program in their school. About 6,000 children were enrolled in preschool this school year in Minnesota, according to state data. Pre-K will remain the same or if the program is not approved, there will be a quarterly payment for the program. We will know more information once the Legislature approves it for next year. Win-E-Mac will offer a free Pre-K program for all students who are 4 by Sept. 1st of the current year if the program is funded. If you take the program for two years, parents will need to pay the second year because the program has stipulations. If your child would like to attend, please call the District Office for more information or to register your child.

Win-E-Mac Awards Banquet

The Win-E-Mac Academic, Athletic, and Fine Arts Awards Program will take place LIVE on Wednesday, May 12 at 7:00 p.m. Due to the limited number of participants we will televise the program live on our GVTV local Channel 30. If you are not a GVTV subscriber you can still view it for free by going to this link: We still want to celebrate the accomplishments of the Class of 2021 and make this a special evening for our seniors. While we cannot be together for this special event, we want to take the time to honor our senior scholarship recipients, celebrate our academic achievements, and present special awards in fine arts and athletics.


We are planning to have Graduation with limited attendance on May 29th, 2021 following the MDH guidelines. We believe a live experience will send our Seniors off with a Great Celebration of achievement. Our staff has done an exceptional job to give our students the best education, given the circumstance of the Pandemic. Hats off to all our students and staff.

Expanded Summer Food Program

The Biden administration is expanding a program to feed as many as 34 million school children during the summer months, using funds from the coronavirus relief package approved in March. The Agriculture Department is announced that it will continue through the summer with free school meals program and may continue into the next school year. If that happens, we need our parents to fill out the Free and Reduced application for next year so we can keep our state funding. We are losing around $120,000 annually of funding which affects your child’s programming. This application is very important to our school for many reasons. The application is available online or in paper form. Please call the district office if you have a question.