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Superintendent Notes for August 2022

by Randy Bruer

A new school year is just around the corner. We will be opening as normal for the 2022-23 school year. The COVID Leadership team updated our Return to School Plan located on our district website. The school day will run from 8:25-3:07. Open house is slated for Wednesday, August 31st from 5:00-7:00. We want to welcome Jesse Hickman to Win-E-Mac, teaching HS social studies, and Alyssa Hauser, teaching HS science. Erin Lisburg will be the new receptionist in the District Office answering the phone, MARSS attendance, and welcoming people to our school. Kristi Plante will be moving into Ann Vesledahl’s old office, doing transportation and substitute calling.

School Choice

When reviewing a school choice, parents should consider the programs and opportunities available for students, the school safety, and the qualified staff teaching children. Education is our job, and Win-E-Mac school takes this very seriously as students are important to our future. Other programs such as Robotics, Lego clubs, extra-curricular sports, performing arts, and vocational classes are important for students to choose careers in the future. Public schools have a lot to offer with numerous opportunities for children.

New Scoreboards

Win-E-Mac has installed new scoreboards this summer. The current ones are over 20 years old and cannot be repaired, so with the addition of mandated shot clocks required for 2023, we decided to replace our existing boards. This is paid for using interest monies from a CD Technology trust, donations, and unused Snustad Dollars of programs not used in our school. We will use a sales curriculum from the scoreboard company to work with our media class in selling ads annually to pay for some remaining costs.

Fitness Room Renewal

Membership to the School Fitness Center is only good until August 31, 2022. You will need to renew the $40 membership fee by that date, or your card will be deactivated until payment is made. If you did not purchase a membership last year and would like one this year, please come to the District Office to fill out a membership application and fee. An access card will be issued at that time. Do not access the rest of the school after hours or an alarm will activate. The school has video cameras at entrances and hallways of the school to show access. Please call 218-563-2900 for any questions.

Important: Immunizations

Before a student can attend a Minnesota school, a child must have their immunizations up to date before the first day of school. These students include the Pre-schoolers (age 4), Kindergarteners, and Seventh graders. If you have any questions, please call the school for information. Immunizations help every child in school to prevent illness and disease.

Free & Reduced Lunch

Important: Free Lunch and Breakfast is no longer available in Minnesota Schools.

I know you read and hear this announcement time and time again, but I cannot stress enough how important these forms are to the school district to access funding for our school. This year, all students will pay for lunch and breakfast, unless they have an approved Free & Reduced application. The application will be available by paper copy in the District Office or can be printed from here.

Patriot Pride Boosters

The Patriot Pride Booster Club helps to support students in academics and activities. This group wants to invite parents and community members to get involved. The club will fundraise, provide volunteers for academics and activities in school, sell Patriot clothing and sponsor some events during the school year.